
To be considered entertainment, an event should have a guest-host relationship. Official guests attend an event, at the invitation of a UC Davis host, for a valid business purpose.

This page provides examples of the types of events for which an entertainment expense may be appropriate and allowable.  Refer to the links on the left menu to learn more about the various aspects of entertainment expenses. And, we recommend completion of the Entertainment Online Training, available in the UC Learning Center.

Expenses Must Support a Business Purpose

In order to be allowable, documentation must show how an entertainment expense supports one or more of the business purposes of the university:

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Public Service
  • Patient Care

If the business purpose is not clearly demonstrated, the associated payment request will be denied.

Business Meetings

To qualify as an appropriate and allowable entertainment expense, a business meeting must have at least one UC Davis employee present.  Typical examples of a business meeting where an entertainment expense may be incurred include those with:

  • Visitors and guests
  • Faculty/student/staff
  • Research/events–foreign countries

Please note: When two or more employees choose to dine together in order to continue business, or when a meeting can be scheduled during regular working hours, reimbursement for the meal is not allowed.

Donor Relations

Typical examples where an entertainment expense may be incurred for donor relations include:

  • Hosting a conference
  • Donor fundraising meetings
  • Prospective donor and/or spouse (requires additional approval)
  • Chancellor convocations & events
  • Show tickets provided to prospective donors, employees, or student appointees in connection with an entertainment event (requires additional approval)

Programmatic Activities

Typical examples where an entertainment expense may be incurred for programmatic activities include:

  • Athletic team activities (in accordance with NCAA rules)
  • Student orientations
  • Student commencements
  • Academic research events
  • Continuing education programs


Typical examples where an entertainment expense may be incurred for recruitment include:

  • Prospective student athletes and student scholars
  • Prospective faculty and other specialized positions

On-the-Job Meals

Typical examples where an entertainment expense may be incurred for on-the-job meals include:

  • Employee is required to be on site in connection with a university business purpose
  • Meals provided to volunteers and research subjects (clinical trials)

NOTE: Meals for employees working remotely are not reimbursable expenses; no reimbursement is permitted for morale or business entertainment meal expenses related to a virtual or “Zoom” meeting, including gift certificates or expenses from a food delivery service

Morale Building

Morale building events always require exception approval.

Typical examples where an entertainment expense may be incurred for morale building include:

  • Team building events
  • Retirement events (only allowable for employees with at least five years of UC service)

Reimbursement for Non-Employees

Based on clarification from the UC Office of the President on June 21, 2021, a non-employee can be provided or reimbursed for meals if attending remotely. Examples include donor cultivation or student engagement events.


University of California Business and Finance Bulletin 79 (UCOP BUS-79) is the policy that applies to Entertainment expenses. Referring to the policy while planning events will aid in processing transactions for business meetings, recruitment events, or student programs efficiently.


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