P-Card Unauthorized or Personal Purchases

This page provides guidance on how to address and manage personal and unauthorized purchases on the Procurement Card.

Per university policy, the cardholder has 60 days to reimburse the university for purchases not related to a business need.

Personal Purchases

Purchases for items or services for personal use are prohibited.

Notify Fiscal Officer and Identify Steps To Avoid Future Personal Use

If the Procurement Card is used for a personal purchase, the following steps must be completed immediately:

  1. The cardholder must contact the fiscal officer assigned to the card, alerting them of the inappropriate use.
  2. The fiscal officer/reviewer must then notify the P-Card Administrator of the violation, by email to cardprogramhelp@ucdavis.edu.  The email must also indicate what steps are being taken to ensure that the card is not inappropriately used again.

Repay the University for the Personal Expense

Next, the following steps need to be completed within seven days of the transaction to ensure that the expense is properly repaid to the university.

  1. Repay the university with a check made payable to "UC Regents."
  2. Email cardprogramhelp@ucdavis.edu a confirmation that the above action has been completed, along with a screenshot of the CASHNet document.
  3. Attach a copy of the CASHNet document to the AggieExpense Expense Report. Please use Expense Type of "Other Supplies (PC 8000)". 

Unauthorized Purchases

If a transaction was not for personal use, but is determined to be “unauthorized," the cardholder may be asked by their department to return the item or repay the university, following the steps above. Refer to section V of PPM 350-10 for more information. 

To ensure cardholders are aware of what is allowable on the Procurement Card, they should refer to PPM 350-22, specifically, sections IV.B on allowable purchases, and V.A on their responsibilities as a cardholder.